Huang Xiaoming
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Fiche d’identité de
la vedette Huang Xiaoming
Activité / Métier :
(Secteur d'activité de la star :
Cinéma / Théâtre, Cinéma)
Âge actuel :
47 ans
(Age entre 45 ans et 49 ans,
Souhaitez son anniversaire dans 342 jour(s).
Il aura 48 ans.)
Date de naissance :
Signe astrologique du zodiaque :
Signe astrologique chinois :
Taille :
(La star mesure :
Entre 1m80 et 1m89)
Couleur des cheveux :
Couleur des cheveux non renseignée
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des yeux non renseignée
Origines ethniques / ancêtres :
Origines ethniques / ancêtres inconnue
Extrait de la page Wikipedia
de la star Huang Xiaoming
Huang Xiaoming (黄晓明), né le à Qingdao, province du Shandong, est un acteur et chanteur chinois.
Source : Page Wikipedia de la célébrité
Dernières publications de Huang Xiaoming
Acteur sur Youtube
Consultez les dernières publications de la célébrité Huang Xiaoming Acteur en fonction de sa présence sur les réseaux sociaux. Que se soit les dernières photos de son compte Instagram, ses derniers tweets sur twitter, ses derniers posts sur Facebook, ses derniers clips vidéos sur Youtube ou encore les dernières séquences diffusées sur son compte Snapchat.
Huang Xiaoming - International trailer for WOMEN WHO FLIRT (撒娇女人最好命)
International trailer for WOMEN WHO FLIRT (撒娇女人最好命). Ah, the poor voice-over dude who can’t pronounce Zhou Xun or Huang Xiaoming.
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project. -
The Crossing 2014 《太平轮》 Trailer w/ Huang Xiaoming and Zhang ZiYi
【Trailer】《太平轮》The Crossing 2014 Song Hye Kyo, Huang Xiao Ming, Zhang ZiYi, Takeshi Kaneshiro
The trailer for director John Woo's 3D Chinese epic drama The Crossing has come online (via Empire) and can be watched below. Written by Hui-Ling Wang, the movie stars Zhang Ziyi, Song Hye-kyo, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Huang Xiaoming, Bowie Lam, Tong Dawei and Masami Nagasawa.
The Crossing tells the true store of the ship Taiping, which sunk it 1949, an incident that led to the deaths of over 1,500 passengers and crew members.
The movie will be released in two parts in China, with Part 1 hitting theaters on December 2 and Part 2 following in May of 2015.
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project. -
The Crossing 2014 《太平轮》 - Interview with the Director John Woo plus Movie excerpts
【Trailer】《太平轮》The Crossing 2014 Trailer: Song Hye Kyo, Huang Xiao Ming, Zhang ZiYi, Takeshi Kaneshiro
The trailer for director John Woo's 3D Chinese epic drama The Crossing has come online (via Empire) and can be watched below. Written by Hui-Ling Wang, the movie stars Zhang Ziyi, Song Hye-kyo, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Huang Xiaoming, Bowie Lam, Tong Dawei and Masami Nagasawa.
The Crossing tells the true store of the ship Taiping, which sunk it 1949, an incident that led to the deaths of over 1,500 passengers and crew members.
The movie will be released in two parts in China, with Part 1 hitting theaters on December 2 and Part 2 following in May of 2015.
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project. -
THE WHITE HAIRED WITCH OF LUNAR KINGDOM 3D Trailer 2 《白发魔女传之明月天国》2014 女神版预告
THE WHITE HAIRED WITCH OF LUNAR KINGDOM 3D Trailer 2 《白发魔女传之明月天国》2014 女神版预告
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project. -
THE WHITE HAIRED WITCH OF LUNAR KINGDOM 3D Trailer 1 《白发魔女传之明月天国》2014 男神版预告
THE WHITE HAIRED WITCH OF LUNAR KINGDOM 3D Trailer 1 《白发魔女传之明月天国》2014 男神版预告
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project. -
黃曉明百萬跑車冧angelababy - Huang Xiaoming surprising Angelababy for her 25th birthday
黃曉明百萬跑車冧angelababy - Huang Xiaoming surprising Angelababy for her 25th birthday
Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: and follow us on Facebook:
Copyright infringement not intended. This upload is meant to promote the actor and his work including any film and movie project.
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Votre avis sur la personnalité
Huang Xiaoming
Qu'il est mis un terme dans sa carrière dans le cinéma ou qu'il soit encore en activité. Laissez votre avis sur Huang Xiaoming. Selon ce qu'il a accompli tout au long de sa carrière : dans les films diffusés au cinéma, séries à la TV, feuilletons dans lequel il a pu jouer ou les nominations et récompenses reçues (César, Oscar, Palme d'or). Pour sa personnalité, son physique, sa voix, son talent de comédien, la façon qu'il a pour interpréter et incarner un personnage, que se soit dans un film d'action, un thriller ou une comédie ...