Sami Yusuf
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Fiche d’identité de
la vedette Sami Yusuf
Nom complet / vrai nom :
Siamak Berenjan
Âge actuel :
44 ans
(Age entre 40 ans et 44 ans,
Souhaitez son anniversaire dans 313 jour(s).
Il aura 45 ans.)
Date de naissance :
Signe astrologique du zodiaque :
Signe astrologique chinois :
Taille :
Taille inconnue
Couleur des cheveux :
Couleur des yeux :
Origines ethniques / ancêtres :
Extrait de la page Wikipedia
de la star Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf, de son vrai nom Siamak Berenjan (en persan سیامک برنجان), né en à Téhéran en Iran, est un chanteur, auteur-compositeur, multi-instrumentiste britannique issu d'une famille d'origine azérie d’Iran. Très populaire internationalement, Time Magazine considère Sami Yusuf comme « la plus grande rock star de l'islam ». En juillet 2009, il reçoit un doctorat de l'université de Roehampton pour sa grande contribution à la musique. Dans une liste de trente Britanniques célèbres établie par BBC News, il arrive à la quatorzième place.
Grâce au succès de son premier titre Al-Mu'allim et ses chansons très vives mélangeant les différentes cultures, Sami Yusuf est apprécié autant en Orient qu'en Occident. Au cours de sa carrière, Sami Yusuf bat un grand record d'affluence lors d'un concert à Istanbul avec 250 000 spectateurs.[source insuffisante]
Source : Page Wikipedia de la célébrité
Dernières publications de Sami Yusuf
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Ven Mi Alma #samiyusuf #instrumental #alma
Ven Mi Alma #samiyusuf #alma #newrelease
Excerpt from ‘Ven Mi Alma’ from the album ‘ALMA’.
Composed by Sami Yusuf
Performed at the historic Bal Al Makina in Fes, Morocco.
#samiyusuf #venmialma -
Ven Mi Alma #samiyusuf #alma #balaban
‘Ven Mi Alma’ invites listeners into a stunning musical journey that celebrates the rich history of Al-Andalus, Flamenco, and both Eastern and Western classical music traditions.
The piece opens with Israel Moro’s vocals, setting the stage for a journey that moves through the soulful call of the ney, the intricate beauty of Antoine Morinière’s classical guitar followed by the fiery spirit of flamenco guitars performed by José Manuel León and Tarik Hilal. As Maqsad Azizov’s Balaban enters, it converses with the orchestra in a profound dialogue. Sami Yusuf’s vocals, followed by Nabyla Maan, Ismail Boujia, and Israel Moro, creates an ecstatic union of voices, each one distinct yet harmoniously intertwined.
As the piece progresses, the Balaban and guitars blend seamlessly with Sami Yusuf’s vocals, evoking a dreamlike state that carries the listener through a voyage of introspection and revelation. The culmination of ‘Ven Vi Alma’ is a euphoric musical dance—a powerful dialogue between the full ensemble and the Balaban. This climactic exchange embodies the essence of the piece’s title, ‘Ven Mi Alma’, or ‘Come, My Soul’ in Spanish, reflecting a call to the depths of the human spirit.
#samiyusuf #alma -
Sami Yusuf - Ven Mi Alma
Watch SY’s Official YouTube Playlist
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‘Ven Mi Alma’ invites listeners into a stunning musical journey that celebrates the rich history of Al-Andalus, Flamenco, and both Eastern and Western classical music traditions.
The piece opens with Israel Moro’s vocals, setting the stage for a journey that moves through the soulful call of the ney, the intricate beauty of Antoine Morinière’s classical guitar followed by the fiery spirit of flamenco guitars performed by José Manuel León and Tarik Hilal. As Maqsad Azizov’s Balaban enters, it converses with the orchestra in a profound dialogue. Sami Yusuf’s vocals, followed by Nabyla Maan, Ismail Boujia, and Israel Moro, creates an ecstatic union of voices, each one distinct yet harmoniously intertwined.
As the piece progresses, the Balaban and guitars blend seamlessly with Sami Yusuf’s vocals, evoking a dreamlike state that carries the listener through a voyage of introspection and revelation. The culmination of ‘Ven Vi Alma’ is a euphoric musical dance—a powerful dialogue between the full ensemble and the Balaban. This climactic exchange embodies the essence of the piece’s title, ‘Ven Mi Alma’, or ‘Come, My Soul’ in Spanish, reflecting a call to the depths of the human spirit.
Composer and Musical Director: Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf : Vocals
José Manuel Léon: Flamenco Guitar
Antoine Morinière: Classical Guitar
Tarik Hilal: Classical and Flamenco Guitar
Magsad Azizov: Balaban
Tolga Saracoglu: Ney
Eren Turan : Baglama
Bayramcan Boy : Oud
Mostafa Momenianrizi: Santoor
Emin Bayram : Qanun
Mohammad Jaberi: Daf and Dayre
Eren Bayram: Bass Darbuka, Riq and Cajon
Nabyla Maan
Israel Moro
Ismail Boujia
Mostafa El Lachkar
Elouafi Mohammed
Soufyane Jabrane
Mahmoud Ketami
Hamza Idrissi
Kamal Nejjar
Mixed and Mastered by Vishnu Rajan and Arash Pakzad
Video Editing & Postproduction by Omar Al Balushi
Graphic Design & Artwork: Hasan Kuchkarov
Audio Editing & Premixing: Amal Neehar
Special thanks to:
Elouafi Mohammed
Katherine O’Brien
©℗ 2024 Andante Records. All rights reserved.
#samiyusuf #alma -
Azerbaijan #samiyusuf #live
From the ‘Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence’ album, this new composition draws on traditional vocal, instrumental, and rhythmic layers along with modern musical elements to reflect the many-faceted aspects of the arc of Azerbaijan’s history. The piece features stunning vocal solos by Sevda Alekperzadeh, Tayyar Bayramov, Kanan Bayramli, Samira Aliyeva, and a beautiful tar solo by Sahib Pashazade.
Listen to ‘Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence (Live)’ now: -
I Have Come Alive (Live) #samiyusuf #rumi
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#samiyusuf #ihavecomealive
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Sami Yusuf
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