Ronnie Wood
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Fiche d’identité de
la vedette Ronnie Wood
Nom complet / vrai nom :
Ronald David Wood
Lieu de naissance :
(Continent de naissance :
Pays de naissance : Angleterre
Ville de naissance : Hillingdon)
Nationalité :
Britannique, Anglaise
(Nationalité d'un pays en :
Âge actuel :
77 ans
(Age entre 75 ans et 79 ans,
Souhaitez son anniversaire dans 133 jour(s).
Il aura 78 ans.)
Date de naissance :
Signe astrologique du zodiaque :
Signe astrologique chinois :
Taille :
(La star mesure :
Entre 1m70 et 1m79)
Couleur des cheveux :
Couleur des yeux :
Origines ethniques / ancêtres :
Mot(s)-clé(s) :
Extrait de la page Wikipedia
de la star Ronnie Wood
Ronald David Wood, dit Ron Wood, est un guitariste britannique, né le à Hillingdon dans le Middlesex.
Après avoir été bassiste du Jeff Beck Group et guitariste des Faces, il rejoint les Rolling Stones en 1975 en tant que guitariste aux côtés de Keith Richards en remplacement de Mick Taylor.
Source : Page Wikipedia de la célébrité
Dernières publications de Ronnie Wood
Musicien sur Instagram Twitter Youtube
Consultez les dernières publications de la célébrité Ronnie Wood Musicien en fonction de sa présence sur les réseaux sociaux. Que se soit les dernières photos de son compte Instagram, ses derniers tweets sur twitter, ses derniers posts sur Facebook, ses derniers clips vidéos sur Youtube ou encore les dernières séquences diffusées sur son compte Snapchat.
Ronnie Wood - Live At Electric Ladyland - OUT NOW
😎🎶💿 My album Live At Electric Ladyland, featuring my Slide On Live band, is out now on digital streaming platforms! ⚡️ I recorded the album live at the Electric Ladyland Studio in New York on the 2nd November 1992 and I’m so happy it’s finally officially released for the very first time! This special, fully remastered, live recording includes 9 of my favourite tracks, and my Slide On Live band of allstars! 🌟 Listen now: -
20% off EVERYTHING in the art store for January! Use the code RONHNY20:
Ronnie Wood - Hackney Diamonds Album Launch Show Setlist
The Rolling Stones Hackney Diamonds Album Launch Show Setlist at the Racket Club NYC:
Limited to 1000 prints; this new setlist was painted by Ronnie just before the exclusive and already legendary New York show to mark the launch of Hackney Diamonds.
Hand numbered in pencil out of 1000.
'During rehearsals, I draw up set lists on big canvases, putting down the songs and the keys they're in. We hang these set lists on the rehearsal room walls so we know where we've been and where we're going.' – Ronnie Wood
'I illustrate the band's set lists, sometimes Keith and Mick add little doodles, and they become works of art in their own right.' - Ronnie Wood
Over the last two decades, the songs that the Rolling Stones have played in rehearsals, live shows and studio sessions have been recorded by Ronnie Wood in a series of handpainted set lists. The result is a unique collection of canvases that document sell-out tours across the globe.
Now is your chance to have your very own lithographic prints of selected set lists, only available in the Official Ronnie Wood Artwork Store. -
Barcelona Diamonds is now in my art store
Ronnie Wood - Barcelona Diamonds - Latest artwork
🚨🖼️🎨😎 New artwork alert! 'Barcelona Diamonds's is now available in the Ronnie Wood art store!
'Barcelona Diamonds' represents Ronnie’s latest abstract interpretation of the Rolling Stones. Completed in the artist's Barcelona studio and inspired by the completion of the album Hackney Diamonds; this work shows the band’s new line up each interacting with their instruments but with a composition which portrays the band as a cohesive ‘greatest sum of its parts’. -
Ronnie Wood signing his 'Blacksmiths' art prints
Each print of Ronnie's latest artwork, his limited edition print ‘Blacksmiths’, will be individually numbered, and personally dedicated and hand signed by Ronnie, filmed here:*/*/Blacksmiths-With-personal-dedication-message/7SY60000000?utm_campaign=RonnieWoodAug2508250823&utm_content=UMGUK41461-1026653&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Email&vvsa_consumer_id=18777846
The heroic blacksmith has inspired artists for centuries, harnessing fire to forge objects of strength and power, and is the inspiration behind Ronnie’s artwork, where he forges the musical craftsmen of the Rolling Stones with iconography from classical mythology and biblical figures. Place your order here.
See all of Ronnie's artworks in his official online store:
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Ronnie Wood